The cyber threat landscape
is growing alarmingly

Data theft and abuse come from all sides.

How safe are you, really?

The following maps are dynamic examples of how pervasive cyber threats are.

Cybercrime costs individuals, businesses, schools, industry, and governments over $1 TRILLION every year, and the threat is getting worse every day. As technology grows, so do opportunities and risks associated with cybercrime.

Email phishing and social attacks consistently rank as top cyber threats. (Read the scary stats here)

USForward is located in Nashville, TN, which is quickly becoming the nation's newest technology hub. At USForward, we are dedicated to building, developing, and promoting cyber-safe web technologies. From company training on safe cyber hygiene to developing robust communication platforms for businesses, government, and schools, our goal is to advance safety and protect privacy for all clients we serve. With recent attacks on government, schools, and businesses reaching all-time highs managing one's cybersecurity could never be more important. If interested in how USForward may help add layers of security to your organization, we invite you to contact us today.    


How USForward is serving our community.







A New Approach To Social

A User First Perspective

At USForward, we understand the value users place on their private data. Where other social platforms seek to pilfer your data for their advantage, USForward believes individuals should have control of how their data is used. USForward is developing the world's most advanced technology in social platforming that prevents data leaks and engages real-time defense strategies to protect users against all threats, both foreign and domestic.

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Advanced Technologies

"The most powerful AI tool today is machine learning (ML)." ~ DARPA

AI, Machine Learning, Distributed Ledgers, Algorithmic Intelligence: are all powerful tools used by both good and bad actors in today's online world. Learn how USForward uses such technology to benefit and protect individuals, businesses, intellectual properties, classrooms, and the United States national security.

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